Raising fillets on 3 ply red rubber for processing woollen/woollen blend and other fine animal fibre (cashmere, alpaca, vicuna) fabrics, if wet in stainless steel, if dry in normal hardened steel, round wires.

Raising fillets on 3 ply red rubber for processing mainly acrylic fabrics, a fillet with lower density on 12 rows is often used, round or biconvex wires, normal hardened steel.

Raising fillets on 3 ply red rubber for processing cotton, cotton/synthetic fabrics, biconvex wires, normal hardened or zinc-plated steel.

Raising fillets on 3 ply red rubber or 4 ply felt for processing nylon - polyester fabrics, knitwear and cotton fleece, round or biconvex wires, normal hardened steel.

Raising fillets on 3 ply red rubber for processing hard-wearing synthetic fibre or cotton fabrics, triangular profile wires, normal hardened or zinc-plated steel.

Brushes, cleaning fillets, velveting fillets, on 4 ply red rubber or 5 ply black rubber (Tiger) in normal hardened steel, stainless steel or in tin-plated steel.

Raising fillets and transport fillets for yarn raising machines on 7 ply felt, round profile wires, normal hardened steel.